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  • 🇰🇿
    from Atyrau, Kazakhstan
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About me

• Over 6 years of overall experience with designing games and programming in Unity, C#, with 1 year of game development for Virtual Reality platforms • Worked on more than 30 games, in solo and in teams, currently working on small side projects and releasing an indie commercial game • Collaborated with developers while working on projects by using Git • Actively participating in game jams (game development competitions where developers try to make a game within a certain period of time with challenging constraints such as themes) • Created web servers using PHP and Go, bots for social media platforms such as Telegram and Discord using Python, as well as websites using React.js • Have base knowledge and experience with: - C++ in competitive programming and graphics APIs such as SDL2, - Java in building Android applications using Android Studio, - Lua in game development for old consoles.

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