Introducing Me
Hi! My name is Sydney and I’m a freshman at Luther College in Iowa, USA. I’m an American citizen but did all my education in Nigeria. The opportunity to study in the United States had always been present, and I decided to spread my wings and take it.

My High School and Beginning My Application Journey
I studied at Aduvie International School in Abuja, Nigeria, where I was a humanities student. The education system in Nigeria allows students to explore disciplines in various fields for three years before narrowing down their focus to either science, humanities, technical, or business in the final three years of high school. My school also did not offer any AP or IB classes.
My college application process started properly in the summer after the 11th grade. I enrolled in summer SAT prep classes. I took the SAT but ultimately decided to take it again because I wanted a higher score to match the calibre of the schools I was applying to. I took it again and had 1110, which might seem poor, but a test score is not a deciding factor in US admissions as it is holistic-based, unlike the testing basis in Nigeria.
Extracurriculars and Other Stats
Grade Point Average is calculated on a 5.0 scale in Aduvie, I had a 4.85/5.0 ultimately. I did not take English proficiency tests as many US schools do not require it from Nigerians. The results of the leaving exams I took such as the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) had yet to be released, so I used my MOCK results when applying.
Finding time for extracurriculars with the speed, rigidity, and complexity of Nigeria’s national curriculum is tasking. However, I made do and participated in those of importance to me.
In my high school, I served as health prefect for a year
I participated in the Interact club in my school, which conducts fundraisers to raise money for a special cause or some community service.
I took part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Program
The Microsoft Office Specialist program was also a significant part of my application
My College Essays
My Common App Essay was about how I initially failed my prefectship pre-screening and my response to that, before being told it was an error and I was eligible to run for my chosen post. For my “why major” essays, I wrote about how the field of psychology is not well respected in Nigeria and I wanted to use my American education to reform the Nigerian mental healthcare system. Lastly, in my “community/why us” essays, I mentioned how I would add a distinct voice and sense of representation for Nigerian internationals in a not-so-diverse setting.

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Crafting My College List
I applied to about 17 colleges. I would not have applied to so many, but my parents kept on recommending more and more, which led to a somewhat large number. Luther College, Howard University, Spelman College, and New York University were on my list among others. However, you can only attend one at the end of the day.
Why I Chose Luther College
I chose Luther mainly because of the size. It’s a very small college with less than 5000 students. I felt attending a smaller institution guarantees a closer relationship with your professors. Being able to meet professors outside of class as well was important to me. Everyone knowing each other is also an added perk. The only drawback of Luther is its rural location. If possible, I would leave my school as is but place it in a bigger city with more amenities.

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Resources Used
I navigated the college application process majorly on my own with added help from my school’s counselor, an advisor from EducationUSA, and of course, my parents.
Financial Aid
Luther’s financial aid is quite good, however, it is not a full ride. Since I’m an American citizen, I was able to apply for FAFSA which entitled me to subsidized and unsubsidized loans. FAFSA is used only by American citizens.
I was also eligible for the Pell Grant. Luther College as well, provided me with the Dean’s Scholarship. Regarding application fees, my fee to Luther was waived. I also filled out the CSS profile (a financial aid application for need-based aid available on the College Board).
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My Life at Luther So Far
I would say my high school education in Nigeria prepared me for Luther’s curriculum to an extent. I was not completely lost, but exposure to online resources and my classmates’ experiences helped. Beyond the small size, Luther College is very diverse with the presence of a lot of international students. There are also quite many Nigerians here. Right now I participate in the student senate and the black student union. Luther also provides a lot of internship recruitment services through the career centre.

What I Would Have Done Differently and My Advice to Others
I probably would not have applied to as many schools as I did if I could go back but the college admissions process is very uncertain. I also would have applied to more reach schools but I held back because of fear I would not get in. My advice to future applicants, especially those from Nigeria is to not take anything for granted. Put in as much effort as possible but remember that regardless of the stress and sadness, it is going to be worth it at the end of the day.
Post-Graduation Plans
Right now, I believe I want to attend law school after graduating and possibly get my master's in psychology after that. I am not sure what law I will specialize in or if I will go to law school immediately, but 2027 is still a bit far 😅.