July 27, 2024

My Journey to the University of Manitoba from Nigeria 

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Rapulu from Nigeria 🇳🇬

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Logo of University of Manitoba

My Background

Hello! I am Rapuluchukwu, and I come from Nigeria. Currently, I am pursuing a biochemistry major at the University of Manitoba, with aspirations of entering the field of dentistry. Having spent my entire life in Abuja, Nigeria and attended The Hillside School for high school.

Why Study Abroad, Why Canada & Why UofM

The primary reason I wanted to study abroad was the availability of opportunities that wouldn't be accessible if I pursued higher education in Nigeria. My parents always encouraged me to study outside the country, but the question remained: where? Canada emerged as the preferred option due to its ease of adaptation for international students and the greater certainty of future residency compared to other nations. Additionally, having family in Canada was a significant advantage. 

While I considered other countries like the USA, UK, and New Zealand, I ultimately chose the University of Manitoba (UofM) primarily because of cost considerations. Given the fluctuating exchange rate (currently ₦1100 = CAD$1), every penny saved matters, especially since I plan to attend dental school after completing my bachelor's degree.

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The Application Process

The Canadian university application process is significantly more straightforward than that of universities in the USA. Unlike the US system, there are no essays or interviews required. For my application, I only needed to submit my grades from the Nigerian external exams (West African Senior School Certificate Examination). There was no need to provide transcripts, discuss extracurricular activities, or take an English proficiency test. The application fee was $120, and the entire process was efficient — I received an offer of admission approximately a week later.

Tuition costs and expenses

Personally, I do not receive any financial aid or scholarship from UofM. Although I was supposed to, my status in Canada impacted the awarding process. However, I know many people who do receive some form of financial assistance. For my major, the annual cost is approximately $21,000. While Winnipeg can be expensive, my grocery expenses typically amount to about $120.

So Far

So far, I have done my best to make the most out of my situation. I am the only one in my family living in this province, so it gets quite lonely at times. I began my studies here during the summer semester instead of last fall, which makes it somewhat challenging to make friends since most people have already finished the academic year and are now at home. Academically, the summer semester is undoubtedly more demanding due to the shorter timeframe for completing coursework. However, it's not insurmountable—you just need to prioritize effectively to keep up. The diversity here is unparalleled, although I haven't fully experienced it yet because most people aren't currently on campus. International students constitute a significant portion of the student population, including Nigerians, Asians, and Polynesians.

Outside of school, I engage in volunteering frequently. There is plenty to do around Winnipeg, although these activities are more enjoyable with a friend. Given the compressed schedule, exams come back-to-back, and homework is often due on the same day. If you choose to start during the summer, discipline is essential because the workload can accumulate rapidly. Personally, I would have preferred to begin in the fall, but unfortunately, that was not an option.

University Building
University Building


If you're considering applying here, don't stress. The process is more streamlined compared to the US, so make sure to have exceptional grades both in school and outside of it. Additionally, have a clear goal and prioritize your education as your number one focus. Your college experience is truly what you make of it—although UofM doesn't have much school spirit, there are always places to go and things to do with the friends you make. 

After graduation, I plan to head straight to dental school.

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from Nigeria 🇳🇬

Duration of Study

May 2024 — May 2028



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University of Manitoba

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Canada🇨🇦


✍️ Interview by

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Christabel from Nigeria 🇳🇬

Gap year student interested in bridging cultures

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