My Background
My name is Farah, and I began my academic journey in Sale, Morocco, attending Al maarif High School, then I attended a two years college called BTS in Rabat, followed by earning my bachelor from FSGES at Tanger. After earning my bachelor degree in Product management and human resources, I decided to continue my academic journey abroad in France to explore more career paths in various fields.
Why France?
Studying abroad wasn't initially my goal, however while I was finishing my bachelor I started exploring my options to pursue my master degree, that's when I found the various majors that French universities offer in my field and all the opportunities that studying in France offer.
I started researching all the universities in France and the different majors they offer, and later I contacted some Moroccan students who are pursuing majors I'm interested in in France. After doing my research I found that a master's degree in France would give me a massive advantage in a country with a good life quality and an amazing education system, so I decided to pursue my masters there.
The similarities between the Moroccan and French education system made this transition infinitely easier.

The Application Process
To apply to France you need to do this through Campus France.
When going to Campus France to start your application you will need to have your documents translated to French and to have a TCF test.
My TCF score was 495 which is considered B2, the start of C1.
After submitting all your documents and test score to Campus France, you will be called to pass a test that will have oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression, and French language mastery.
The next step will be choosing the universities you will apply to, a total of 7 universities.
After finishing your application you will have access to a portal where all your decisions will be.
Academic Journey
I started my academic journey in Université littoral de la côte d’opale in Dunkirk where I majored in Innovation management and entrepreneurial dynamics -management d’innovation et dynamique entrepreneuriale- for one year.
During that year I decided that I wanted to study another major, so upon finishing my master in Dunkirk, I applied to a second master's in web marketing at ESGCI in Paris were I graduated from last year

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Cultural Integration and Social Life
One thing that made my time in France incredibly easier is the amount of international students from around the world, and throughout my time in university I encountered multiple cultural differences between me and my teammates, but that only made the experience much more special as I got to learn about many cultures and have a diverse friend group during my time in ESGCI especially.
Financial aid
French Universities are Free for all students -international or not- however make sure the university is public. When applying you will need to have a certain amount of money blocked in your bank account to cover your living expenses.
The financial aid that is available to students in France is presented by “La CAF” which every student has the right to apply to as long as they are enrolled in a public French University, and they give all the students many advantages like refunding a good amount of the paid living expenses like a portion of rent.
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Advice for Future Applicants
My main advice would be to fully research the universities you are applying to because you will be asked about why you applied to these universities in an interview conducted by Campus France, and over all prepare for your tests and choose the universities you'll be applying to wisely as you can only apply to 7.