Youssef Khaled
- 🇪🇬de Egypt

Sobre mim
Hello! I am Youssef Khaled from Egypt. I am a high school junior at Red Sea STEM School. I am looking forward to pursuing my career in the US.
Minha história
Washington and Lee University 🇺🇸
Lexington, US
From Egypt to Washington and Lee University with a Full Ride scholarship
por Mohamed de Egypt 🇪🇬
Google 🇺🇸
Mountain View, US
How to impress Google interviewers: My journey to becoming a Software Engineering Intern
por Abdelrahman de Egypt 🇪🇬
Wagner College 🇺🇸
Staten Island, US
How I became the only international student to receive a fully-funded Trustees' Scholarship at Wagner College
por Ahmed de Egypt 🇪🇬
Tufts University 🇺🇸
Medford, US
From Egypt to Tufts University with a Full Ride Scholarship
por Abd-El Rahman de Egypt 🇪🇬
Türkiye Scholarships 🇹🇷
Why I decided to study in Turkey instead of the best university in Egpyt
por Mostafa de Egypt 🇪🇬
Drexel University 🇺🇸
Philadelphia, US
Drexel University as an international student from Egypt: application journey, financial aid, and co-op opportunities
por Mahmoud de Egypt 🇪🇬
Minerva University 🇺🇸
San Francisco, US
How I made it from Egypt to Minerva University with a scholarship
por Elhassan de Egypt 🇪🇬
University of Chicago 🇺🇸
Chicago, US
Cairo to Chicago: A CS Student's Journey to UChicago with a full scholarship
por Omar de Egypt 🇪🇬
GENIUS Olympiad 🇺🇸
Syracuse, US
Winning Bronze and a $15,000 Scholarship at Genius Olympiad at Rochester Institute of Technology
por Jerome de Egypt 🇪🇬
University of Debrecen 🇭🇺
Debrecen, Hungary
Full Ride from Egypt to Hungary - How I got a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship
por Omar de Egypt 🇪🇬
University of Pennsylvania 🇺🇸
Philadelphia, US
Winning the most competitive merit-based scholarship in Egypt! My entire experience at Upenn
por Ali de Egypt 🇪🇬
RWTH Aachen University 🇩🇪
Aachen, Germany
How I became the first Egyptian high school student to receive a fully-funded bachelor's degree in Germany
por Ahmed de Egypt 🇪🇬
Pomona College 🇺🇸
Claremont, US
After a gap year: How I got into Pomona College with a Full Scholarship
por Aser de Egypt 🇪🇬