Abril Baza
- 🇵🇪de Peru
À propos de moi
Mon histoire
University of California-Berkeley 🇺🇸
Berkeley, US
My journey from Peru to UC Berkeley as a Research Scholar at Ohainle Lab
par Fabricio de Peru 🇵🇪
Wellesley College 🇺🇸
Wellesley, US
My journey from Peru to Wellesley: the story of never giving up
par Isabela de Peru 🇵🇪
University of Chicago 🇺🇸
Chicago, US
From Chile to the US: My Way to the University of Chicago with full financial aid
par Colomba de Chile 🇨🇱
United World College 🌎
From Peru to East Africa: My experience at UWC with a full ride scholarship
par Astrid de Peru 🇵🇪
Dartmouth College 🇺🇸
Hanover, US
How I got into Dartmouth College as a Peruvian student with fully-funded Beca Cometa Scholarship
par Maia de Peru 🇵🇪
Northwestern University in Qatar 🇶🇦
Doha, Qatar
From San Juan to Qatar: How I got into Northwestern University Qatar with a full merit scholarship
par Juan Cruz de Argentina 🇦🇷
Emory University 🇺🇸
Atlanta, US
My admission journey from Brazil to Emory to study Public Health
par Beatriz de Brazil 🇧🇷
Haverford College 🇺🇸
Haverford, US
From Brazil to the United States: My Story to Haverford College
par Joao Victor de Brazil 🇧🇷
University of Chicago 🇺🇸
Chicago, US
From Uruguay to Chicago: How I got into the UChicago class of 2028 with a full scholarship
par Manuela de Uruguay 🇺🇾